Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Coop, Cait and I actually slept in till 9:30. Marc came in and woke us up! Sean had to carry Coop into the living room kicking and screaming because he wasn't wanting to wake up, not even for toys! Cait loved her Barbie's, Coop loved his Indiana Jones action figures, Sean loved his Chuck Norris' posters, and Marc liked his mp3 player! I hope it was a Christmas my kids have enjoyed and will remember, I know I will! I have had a very blessed Christmas thanks to the generosity of my wonderful family and friends! I have to get sappy and tell my parents, sisters and brothers that I love and appreciate them! I missed seeing Roy, Carrie and Tate this holiday!
This has been a rough year but I saw far more blessings and good come of it than bad! I have learned and grown so much it's unbelievable! I am actually looking forward to the new year!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sorry about not keeping current my internet works when it wants to! I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! I spent mine with friends and family! My kids were with their Dad for the morning part of it and I had them from 4:00 on. It sounded like they had a nice time! I have been busy with the daycare, it has been so much fun! I adore all the little ones! My kids and I have gotten back on track with our scripture reading too, I can't believe at what a difference it makes in our lives!