Monday, March 16, 2009

Wow! I have been so busy! I am still doing the daycare and still trying to get it licensed. We are gradually getting more kids that are coming. I love having a place where moms and dads can take their kids and knowing that their kids are being loved and taken care of! We have the best kids coming and I love every one of them! Cooper has come so far...sharing and playing with others, writing his name, learning the alphabet, and singing fun little songs. He picks them up so quick! Caitlin is struggling a little for attention as I have been really busy trying to get everything established but she is a great helper! Marc is busy with school and trying to find a job. Having fun flirting with the girls a little too! Sean is getting ready to turn 16, it is unbelievable! I can't believe how old my kids are and how much older I am! He is doing really well in Scouting, earning the merit badges and starting to move up, it will soon be time for him to try to come up with an idea for the Eagle Scout project. He has been working very hard and has an excellent leaders helping him out! Kudos to Blair Johnson and Oliver Brown! You guys are awesome! The kids and I are talking about going to Las Vegas and Hoover Dam, I wanted to go to the West Rim again but we will probably hit the South Rim and come home that way. I have not seen that yet so I am all for it! Life has been a little harder in some ways this year but we are still here and that is all that counts!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Coop, Cait and I actually slept in till 9:30. Marc came in and woke us up! Sean had to carry Coop into the living room kicking and screaming because he wasn't wanting to wake up, not even for toys! Cait loved her Barbie's, Coop loved his Indiana Jones action figures, Sean loved his Chuck Norris' posters, and Marc liked his mp3 player! I hope it was a Christmas my kids have enjoyed and will remember, I know I will! I have had a very blessed Christmas thanks to the generosity of my wonderful family and friends! I have to get sappy and tell my parents, sisters and brothers that I love and appreciate them! I missed seeing Roy, Carrie and Tate this holiday!
This has been a rough year but I saw far more blessings and good come of it than bad! I have learned and grown so much it's unbelievable! I am actually looking forward to the new year!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sorry about not keeping current my internet works when it wants to! I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! I spent mine with friends and family! My kids were with their Dad for the morning part of it and I had them from 4:00 on. It sounded like they had a nice time! I have been busy with the daycare, it has been so much fun! I adore all the little ones! My kids and I have gotten back on track with our scripture reading too, I can't believe at what a difference it makes in our lives!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I love tending kids! I am really enjoying my job! One of the best parts is being able to stay home with Cooper, sending the kids off to school and being here when they get home! I love being a mom. I don't think I am great at it but I love my kids and I try every day to be better! I love going for walks with Marc and Sean! I love reading with Caitlin and cuddling with Cooper while watching cartoons! I am hoping to be able to make this work for as long as I can! Marc is anxiously awaiting his class ring, Sean is talking about a new computer game he wants, and Caitlin has been organizing her room the way she wants it! Cooper is always showing me the cool stuff he is building with Lego's! He has been singing "I am a child of God", it is so sweet! I have been busy trying to get the yard ready for winter. Yuck! I need warmth and sun! I have been trying to relax on keeping the house and yard up so I can be there for my kids more. It's been a challenge but I hope I am making progress. I am excited to see what the holidays are going to bring this year! I am taking it one day at a time! I do love all the traditions, family get togethers and joy the holidays bring!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just a little about my kids....Marc is almost 17! WOW! He is awesome, he is loving being a junior in High School. He has matured alot this year, it is so nice! He is great at sports! Sean is in 9th grade and he is an inventor, he loves to think of new ideas! He also helps me out alot with watching Cooper. He also loves to rile up his friend "Robby" with tons of debating (arguing!). Caitlin is in 2nd grade. She does very well at school, she loves to learn! She also loves to do what Marc does, including hanging out with his friends! Last, our little Cooper! He is my little buddy! He is learning new things everyday! He has become really independent, wanting to "do it myself!" They have their moments but I adore them! We have spent this year trying new traditions as well as new things to do. Marc, Sean, Cait and I went snowboarding in February. I was terrified but it was so cool to say I went snowboarding! Marc and Cait picked it right up but Sean was done after the first try (he was frozen!). I'm still not sure what I thought! My brother Tim went with us, he knew what he was doing. He is so fun to hang out with! I can't wait to find more new things to try with my kids!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Cait and Coop are making me crazy! They are so wild and hyper! They just spent the weekend with their dad and it's good to have them home! The house is so quiet with the kids gone that I can't stand it, so I usually go for a drive. I love going and seeing places and things I have never seen and done! It hasn't been hard because up until this summer I haven't been to many places! This summer was awesome! I have been to the 4 corners, Idaho - Mack's Inn (Island Park), and tons of other places within Utah. My favorite of all time has been seeing the Grand Canyon! I LOVE THE GRAND CANYON! I don't know why other than it's incredible, I can't even describe it! Words cannot describe! I look forward to many more excursions!