Monday, December 8, 2008

Sorry about not keeping current my internet works when it wants to! I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! I spent mine with friends and family! My kids were with their Dad for the morning part of it and I had them from 4:00 on. It sounded like they had a nice time! I have been busy with the daycare, it has been so much fun! I adore all the little ones! My kids and I have gotten back on track with our scripture reading too, I can't believe at what a difference it makes in our lives!


Shuman X Seven said...

Glad to see youare back!! I thought you and Tina had fallen off the face of the earth!! I hope you have a Merry Christmas

Just Ducky said...

It is hard to get the time to keep updating but mostly I feel like I don't have anything to write about. I love hearing from you. I think you are doing an awesome job with your kids and mine.

Love you Tons!