Thursday, October 23, 2008

I love tending kids! I am really enjoying my job! One of the best parts is being able to stay home with Cooper, sending the kids off to school and being here when they get home! I love being a mom. I don't think I am great at it but I love my kids and I try every day to be better! I love going for walks with Marc and Sean! I love reading with Caitlin and cuddling with Cooper while watching cartoons! I am hoping to be able to make this work for as long as I can! Marc is anxiously awaiting his class ring, Sean is talking about a new computer game he wants, and Caitlin has been organizing her room the way she wants it! Cooper is always showing me the cool stuff he is building with Lego's! He has been singing "I am a child of God", it is so sweet! I have been busy trying to get the yard ready for winter. Yuck! I need warmth and sun! I have been trying to relax on keeping the house and yard up so I can be there for my kids more. It's been a challenge but I hope I am making progress. I am excited to see what the holidays are going to bring this year! I am taking it one day at a time! I do love all the traditions, family get togethers and joy the holidays bring!


Just Ducky said...

I am sooo glad you love your job! You are really great with kids and your family has started to really blossom. It seems like things are settling down a bit. Your kids really like you home. Everyone I know says they look happier - even teachers at Cait's school. You must be doing something right! Love you!

Shuman X Seven said...

That picture of you is AWESOME!! (I didn't tell you that before.) I loved seing able to stay home and watch after chidlren when mine were small. I hope you can do it for a while. I never minded the children, but the parents can sure be a pain in the patootee!! You sound like you are doing well. That is good to hear